Monday, September 12, 2011

The Away Team is Away - Pause Press Play launched on September 11, 2011

The Away Team is on two coasts, Penny in NYC and Nik in San Francisco for the ten year anniversary of September 11, 2001. In San Francisco, Nik performed his piece "Requiescant in Pace" to a montage of footage by Lenny Charles taken on 9/11 at Ground Zero, and the music video Topsy Turvy World was shown at the Herbst Theater. Check it out:


Penny is in NYC to do follow up interviews for an addendum to her film "9/11 Dust and Deceit", and a showing of her film as part of the PAUSE PRESS PLAY project and Health Help 9/11. The showing at the Walker Stage in NYC included a wonderful presentation by healing consultant Ama Lia Wai-Ching from Singapore.

In Miami, the event at the LMNT Contemporary Art Space included an art installation/exhibit, "The Pause Towers" - a plexiglass sculpture filled with prescription bottles and medical packaging from ten years of prescription based treatments from health survivors of World Trade Center illness. The Miami event at the LMNT Contemporary Art Space included an art installation/exhibit, "The Pause Towers" - a plexi-glass sculpture filled with prescription bottles and medical packaging from ten years of prescription based treatments from health survivors of World Trade Center illness.

PAUSE Project Director Rachel Hughes who has struggled with the health effects the WTC Syndrome for the past ten years, says, “Pause delves deep into the questions I face on a daily basis. Because of my illness I have been forced to ‘pause’ and reflect on the questions surrounding 9/11.” This project launched on the 10th anniversary of the tragic events of September 11, 2011 launched with film showings, art exhibits and presentations focused on solutions.

The 2006 film “9/11 Dust and Deceit” by Penny Little examines the questions of the health problems suffered by thousands of first responders, volunteers, workers who were exposed for months to the toxic dust in lower Manhattan.

For more info:

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